Hey- I just found my online bio. Seems like as good a place to start as any.

“Ideally, I will choose to spend my life creating performances for the stage: Music, Theater, Poetry, Storytelling, Comedy… Every hour that I can gather the people of this world together is one more hour that the programming is turned off… one more hour of real human experiences… one more hour of victory.” -GZ
Gabriel Zacchai has been writing, recording and performing original music, stories and audiobooks for over 35 years. He has recorded over 120 completed songs since 1988; over 100 of which have been recorded on 8 Albums and collected works. His influences combine Neil Young, Mason Jennings and the old Bluegrass masters with the likes of Stevie Ray Vaughn, Leadbelly and the North Mississippi All-Stars. Zacchai’s repertoire ranges from upbeat and catchy folk to hard-driving soulful blues and rock. His work has been featured on WMPG, WERU and MPBN radio, as well as KXCI in Tucson, ‘IN Tune by Ten’ with Sarah Willis, and in Maine Home and Design Magazine. His audiobook narration and production work for various authors can be found on Amazon. In addition to recorded storytelling, he is the Producer/ Director of ForkTale Maine and Mid-coast Memory Theater, both live storytelling and community building projects. He began playing bass with The Midnight Riders in 2023, as well as performing his own music with them and continuing to book solo shows throughout the season.
(more on this page to come including discography, gallery and music player)